Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

Botox Side Efects

Side effects that usually mild and transient, can be predicted from the mode of action (muscle paralysis) and chemical structure (protein) of the molecule, which by and large in two major areas of side effects: paralysis of the wrong muscle group and allergic reaction. Bruising at the injection site is not a side effect of the poison, but the mode of administration. In cosmetic use, this in an inappropriate facial expression such as drooping eyelid, double vision, uneven smile, or the loss of the ability to close your eyes cause. This will subside in about six weeks. Bruising by the clinician to prevent pressure on the puncture site can occur but still, and will take about 7-10 days. When injecting the Master muscle of the jaw, loss of muscle function in a loss or reduction of power will lead to chew solid food. All cosmetic treatments are of limited duration and can be as short a period to six weeks, but usually we see an effective period of between three and eight months. Is used at the extremely low doses of medicine, has a very low toxicity of botulinum toxin.

Other adverse events from cosmetic use include headache, dysphagia, flu-like syndrome, blurred vision, dry mouth, fatigue, allergic reactions and swelling or redness at the injection site. It has applied for a petition from Public Citizen to the FDA regulatory action in relation to the possible spread of botulinum toxin (Botox, Myobloc) from the injection site to other parts of the body was. Persons who are pregnant, have egg allergies or a neuromuscular disease are advised to avoid Botox. A recent experimental study suggests that the cosmetic use of botulinum toxin for the treatment of glabellar lines affect human cognition. Havas and colleagues (Havas, Glenberg, Gutowski, Lucarelli, & Davidson, 2010) asked participants for emotional (angry, sad, happy) used to read blocks before and two weeks after Botox injections into the corrugator supercilii muscle in a frown. Reading times for angry and sad sentences were longer after Botox injection than before injection, during the same times for happy reading sentences. This finding suggests that facial muscle paralysis has a selective effect on the processing of emotional content.
As published in Forbes and originally published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Science, Botox takes away or reduces the emotional feelings in a given situation. This may be due to less interaction between facial muscle movement and brain. According to David Neal, professor of psychology at the University of Southern California, "if the muscle signals are attenuated in the face to the brain, you are less able to read, feelings."
[Biochemical mechanism of toxicity

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